Pink Marketing

Department of Business Administration conducted a workshop entitled: “PINK MARKETING” on 26-27th of February 2020 at Cihan University Academic Hole. The objectives of this workshop are:

Understanding the concept of Pink Marketing.
Pink Marketing for Middle-Eastern Women.
Presented by: Dr. Aram Hanna Massoudi
What is Pink Marketing Mix? Pink Marketing for women in the Middles East and How to market brands to Middle Eastern women. The presented discusses the importance and requirement of pink marketing. Also, Marketing for Middle-Eastern Women (The global modest consumers). In addition to why marketing to women in the Middle East needs to evolve with the times. Finally, the presenter gave some recommendations for advertising agencies on how to advertise to Middle-Eastern women.

Social Media Marketing and the top 5 Social Portals.
Presented by: Bushra Ali Zainal.
The second part of the workshop discussed social media marketing and its effect on increasing the conversion rate of the web site and transforming the user of a web site to a real customer by using a lot of tools including the design of the ad and using marketing influencers in order to turn any user of the web site into a real customer who will buy products and this part ended by discoing the privacy of the user’s vs. The urgent need for the ad.

Accounting Treatment for Marketing Cost.
Presented by: Dr. Hider Mahdi Salih.
Marketing costs are a type of financial accounting that covers expenses associated with promoting an industry, entity, brand, product, or service. They cover ads in print media and online venues, broadcast time, radio time, and direct mail advertising. Most business owners’ budgets for a certain amount of advertising costs, which the U.S. Small Business Administration says should amount to 7%–8% of total annual revenues. The transaction will involve four different accounts at various parts of the transaction and depending on how the expense is paid. The four accounts are Cash, Prepaid Advertising, Advertising Expense, and Accounts Payable.



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